把焦虑从回忆管理中剔除 第三部分:


拉菲2注册登录的重要性是毋庸置疑的. 它帮助食品公司遵守政府规定, 它保护食品公司的品牌, 它还通过投资新机会帮助公司成长. 在第2页nd 本系列的一部分, we outlined who needs traceability and we established the business case for achieving traceability in food plants regardless of the size.  Many companies want to revisit their current recall management practices, but the topic of food traceability can be overwhelming and confusing. Food processing plants can be extremely complex regardless of their size. In some cases, the smallest processing facilities have the most complex operations. Thankfully achieving traceability can be simplified into three key elements.


第一个关键元素是初始产品标识. From the moment a product enters a plant it must have a unique identifier. The unique identifier ties that product back to its point of origin. The identifier will follow the product all the way through the production facility. 唯一标识符将根据产品的不同而不同. 收到的第一类产品是盒装产品. 盒装产品通常标有条形码. 这可以是盒装的肉、香料或其他干货. If the received product isn’t already labeled with an industry standard GS1 barcode (we will review GS1 barcodes farther down) then that product must be labeled upon entry to the facility.

第二类接收是牲畜接收. If you are tracking an animal as it enters a plant it will be identified with either an ear tag, 纹身, 或接收批号. It is important to note that animals are tracked differently depending on the species. Larger animals like cattle are typically tracked individually by their ear tag. Once cattle go through the slaughter process ear tags are replaced with carcass tags. Smaller animals like pigs are either processed by receiving lot, 纹身 number, or both. How companies track animals through the slaughter process will depend greatly on the amount of throughput they have as well as by the level of traceability they require.

No matter the product, all products going into inventory must be uniquely identified. Once product has been properly labeled and put away into inventory it is ready to be scanned into production batches.


Once product has been received and labeled with a barcode it can be moved around the plant, 它可以投入生产. With the use of mobile computers and scanners product can be scanned out of inventory and into production batches. As products are consumed into production batches new products are created. These new products consist of all the associated inputs (raw meat, ingredients, packaging etc.). The new products are then weighed, and new product labels are created. The new product labels will have unique serial numbers in the barcodes. These new serial numbers will correlate back to all the serial numbers of all the inputs consumed into the batch. 最终生产出成品. Once the finished goods have been 重量ed and labeled they are sent to inventory.  


可追溯性的最后一个关键组成部分是产品信息. Throughout the entire production process product is weighed and labeled. Product labels contain a lot of production information including company prefix, 产品描述, 重量, AI日期, 和序列号. Product information should be available in the office using the plant MES / ERP system or viewable using a mobile computer to scan the product barcode. 产品信息是关键. It tells the story of where a product came from and what other products are associated with it. The product information should also show the status of where the product is at that time. By scanning the product barcode an operator should be able to tell if the product should be in production, 库存或准备被挑选和运输.  

Production information should be established using an industry standard such as the GS1 Global Language. GS1条形码极大地增强了产品相关信息. GS1是全球性的, 中性, non-profit standards organization that was created to help bring efficiency and transparency to the supply chain. Food producers can register with GS1 and receive a company prefix that will go into that company’s barcodes. This will enable anyone along the supply chain to scan a product label to see all the relevant product data. Labeling product with a GS1 barcode is essential for processing facilities that ship product to large food retailers or distribution facilities. This information is also 要求 if product is being shipped internationally.  


Recall management practices can be enhanced by avoiding distractions and focusing on the three key elements of achieving traceability: product identification, 产品运动, 以及产品信息. By focusing on a plant’s current processes in each one of those areas processors can tighten their recall management capabilities. Next month we will be looking at how to select the right plant system. Food plants come in many shapes and sizes and so do plant software solutions. We will walk you through how to select the correct solution and solution provider based on your plant’s needs.  

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Written by: Andy Cumpton, Sales and Marketing – 拉菲2在线登录注册



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